
Actors Headshots

from only £65.00

Easily accessible for Aylesbury, Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard, Milton Keynes, Watford and Tring.

Your Unique Essence

Everyone is unique. As an actor, you’re even more so. You are versatile, engaging, talented and expressive. But how do you show all of that in just a simple photograph? How do you stand out as a unique talent, but still retain the essence of you? The solution: You need beautiful, captivating images that exhibit who you are – as a person and a performer.

The Challenge: Being Seen in The Best Light

Standing out is critical in a business where everyone is vying for consideration. As an actor though, you’re not just another face in the crowd. You are more than just a look, a gender, a hairstyle. You’re not like everyone else and you need agents and casting directors to recognise that and take notice.

Your Advantage: Zoom Photography Studio

That’s where Zoom Photography Studio comes in. We’re more than just photographers. We’re visual storytellers dedicated to capturing your essence and bringing it out in the best light, using the best lighting!

We guide you through the process of capturing not just a picture but the essence of who you are. You don’t need a portrait. You need a headshot.

Your Next Step: Take Action

Ready to make your mark? It’s time to take the next step. Contact Zoom Photography Studio today, and let’s take the first steps towards capturing your essence.

Imagine the Outcome

Together, we can create a collection of captivating headshots that truly represent you. Images that will get you noticed, land you the audition, and drive your career forward. The alternative? Risk being overlooked, your unique talents left undiscovered.

Your Journey Made Simple

Our mission is to make your journey as simple and enjoyable as possible. We’re here to guide you at every step, turning the potential stress of getting the perfect shot into a revelation and a declaration of who you are and what you can do on stage and screen.

Your essence deserves to be discovered.

Your talents deserve to be recognized.

Let us help you take that next step in your career.

Today, someone will make a casting decision based on your Headshot! 

Your Next Step: Take Action

Ready to make your mark? It’s time to take the next step. Contact Zoom Photography Studio today, and let’s begin the journey of telling your story.

Arranging a session is as easy as 1,2,3 … 

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1. Book your session!  In a very busy world do it NOW, before you get distracted.  You know you need it.

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2. We will have a pre-session consultation to listen to what you need and we can also make recommendations.

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3. Your photography session with expert posing coaching.  You will be able to see & order your portraits immediately afterwards.

Need photos today?

Just Call

📞 01296 321 020

or book your appointment online.

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Need photos today?

Just Call

📞 01296 321 020

or book your appointment online below.

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